KNOWLEDGE BASE Population - Ethnicity - Language In Singapore

The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure the verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.

People eating at outside tables in Singapore

Population, Ethnicity, and Language in Singapore


Singapore's total population

In 2022, the population of the Republic of Singapore stood at 5,921,231.  While the majority of Singapore's population is citizens, there is also a significant percentage of permanent and nonpermanent residents. Permanent residents are not citizens but can stay indefinitely.  Nonpermanent residents are those with work passes, dependants, and international students.



Nearly 40% of residents come from other countries, bringing with them a mix of international influences and sensibilities. This will play into who is enticed by your offering. You can learn more about Singapore's people in the Business Culture in Singapore section of Landscape. 


Singapore’s ethnic makeup

Singapore has a number of ethnic groups that make up it’s population. The ethnic makeup has remained stable over the last decade, with Chinese continuing to be the largest group.

While there are some universal truths across ethnic groups, it’s safe to say that not all people see things the same way. As you design and market your product or service for Singapore, be aware of how you use language, color, and other factors in order to make sure you appeal to - rather than offend - your target group.  If you are singling out one group in Singapore, focus on those things that are culturally appropriate for them.  If you are looking for a broader appeal, be sure that you choose design elements that work for everyone.  To learn more, check out the Globig Product Localization for Singapore section.



Globig Marketplace

And once you've got a better idea for the people you'll be marketing to, you may also need additional guidance and advice from locals. If you'd like help from experts in Singapore, you can will find a number of vetted vendors in the Globig Marketplace.  



Singapore's official languages

There are four official languages in Singapore: Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, and English. English is the language that acts as a bridge between the different ethnic groups. Singaporean children are taught in English at school but also learn their mother tongue, which helps them maintain the traditions of their heritage.  

Globig Resources

The Singapore government provides extensive, well-organized statistical information on its population. Depending on what you seek, you can find extensive information on Singpore's economy and population, latest data for key economic indicators, vital statistics on the population, storyboards, infographics and statistical charts. They provide their information in many formats, with the following links taking you directly to different data and formats. 

Singapore Department of Statistics economy and population reports

Singapore Department of Statistics infographics

Latest Resident Population Profile Data from the Department of Statistics Singapore

You can also find additional resources on the Demographics in Singapore page. 


KNOWLEDGE BASE Population - Ethnicity - Language In Singapore