KNOWLEDGE BASE Ireland Facts, Figures, Global Rankings
The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure to verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.
Ireland content provided in part by IDA Ireland. IDA Ireland is a non-commercial, semi-state body promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Ireland through a wide range of services. IDA Ireland partners with potential and existing investors to help them establish or expand their operations in Ireland.
We have compiled a list of government and global resources to help you learn more about Ireland, its employment and visas regulations, people, foreign direct investment organization, and aspects of doing business in the country. Use this information to help you make informed decisions about locating your business, or a division of your business, in Ireland.
Government Resources
Government of Ireland, Online Services - The official web portal of the Irish government
Central Statistics Office of Ireland - The mandate of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) is "The collection, compilation, extraction, and dissemination for statistical purposes of information relating to economic, social and general activities and conditions in the State". The CSO is also responsible for coordinating the official statistics of other public authorities and for developing the statistical potential of administrative records. On this site, you can find information on subjects such as the 2016 census, population, employment figures, the retail sales index, and the consumer price index. There is much more you will find available through the CSO.
IDA Ireland - IDA Ireland is a non-commercial, semi-state body promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Ireland through a wide range of services. IDA Ireland partners with potential and existing investors to help them establish or expand their operations in Ireland.
Invest in EU - Invest in EU is the essential resource for modern investors seeking to learn more about Europe’s unique investment opportunities. Through the Invest in EU magazine, portal and weekly newsletter, we aim to market and analyse investment destinations, various industry sectors & investment opportunities in Europe(EU).
Trade Helpdesk - The European Commission's Export Helpdesk provides a free online service covering all import rules in force in the EU on a product-by-product and country-by-county basis.
Additional Information On Ireland
KNOWLEDGE BASE Ireland Facts, Figures, Global Rankings