KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment Visas For Ireland

The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure to verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.


Ireland content provided in part by IDA Ireland. IDA Ireland is a non-commercial, semi-state body promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Ireland through a wide range of services. IDA Ireland partners with potential and existing investors to help them establish or expand their operations in Ireland.


Employment Visas for Ireland

There are three types of visas that a company may need when recruiting and employing staff. 

1. Critical Skills Employment Permit

The Critical Skills Employment Permit is intended to be used to attract highly skilled people into the labor market with the intent of encouraging them to take up permanent residence in Ireland. 

2. General Employment Permit

The General Employment Permit is intended to attract 3rd country nationals for general skill and labor shortages. 

3. Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit

The Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit facilitates the transfer of senior management, key personnel or trainees who are foreign nationals from an overseas branch of a multi-national corporation to its Irish branch. Learn more about the Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permit and other types of employment permits. 

Client companies of IDA Ireland may be able to fast track their work permit applications with IDA Ireland's assistance. While it's not a guarantee, it may be possible to speed things up with their help.

Learn more about Irish employment permits on the Citizens Information site

KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment Visas For Ireland