KNOWLEDGE BASE Setting Up Business In Ireland
The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure to verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.
Ireland content provided in part by IDA Ireland. IDA Ireland is a non-commercial, semi-state body promoting Foreign Direct Investment into Ireland through a wide range of services. IDA Ireland partners with potential and existing investors to help them establish or expand their operations in Ireland.
Resources For Setting Up Business In Ireland
Starting A Business
Company Incorporation
Companies Online Registration Office (CORE) with information to set up and monitor the status of your business. This site has all of the forms necessary for setting up a company. Company incorporation can be initiated at this site. Section 2, page 7 of the IDA Fast Landing Overview doc has steps to follow.
The legal requirements involved in registering a company in Ireland are set out in the Companies Act, with the latest amendments in 2017.
Set Up Services and Providers
We strongly recommend that you obtain the services of professionals to help you set up and run your business in Ireland. Here are some of the areas you should consider.
Accounting: Managing your accounts and advising on the financial reporting requirements of the Companies Act in Ireland. Companies (Accounting) Act 2017
Tax and Tax Structure: It is best to obtain independent professional advice in relation to compliance with Irish tax law. Advise the Irish tax authorities that you are setting up a company once you have once you have registered the company with the Companies Registration Office (CRO) and received your CRO number. You can do so online using the Revenue Online Services (ROS).
Corporation Tax: Corporate tax is charged on all profits (incomes and gains), wherever arising, of companies resident in Ireland (with some exceptions) and non-resident companies who trade in Ireland through a branch or agency.
Value Added Tax (VAT): An indirect tax on the consumption of goods and services. It is collected by VAT-registered traders on their supplies of goods and services effected within the State, for consideration, to their customers. VAT is imposed at each stage of production against the additional value added in that stage. VAT forms a part of the purchase price a final consumer pays (as opposed to being added on at time of purchase).
Corporate Banking: Multi-currency bank accounts are standard as is online banking, including setting up payments and approvals from anywhere in the world. Ireland offers both domestic and international banks. Certain banks allow you to apply to open accounts online, the process generally taking no more than 10 business days. Banks require extensive company/group information, including Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) details. Identification and your company's registration forms are required.
Insurance: Ireland has a variety of insurance providers who can assist you with insurance for things such as assets, income, liabilities, and other risks such as auto, credit, and legal expenses.
Relocation Services: These services are available in Ireland and offer some or all of the following relocation services:
Years of experience
Reduced stress (or even stress-free) shipping services
Full or part containers
Packing services
Visa and immigration assistance
KNOWLEDGE BASE Setting Up Business In Ireland