KNOWLEDGE BASE Austria Resources: Employment, Visas, FDI, Statistics, Global Rankings
We have compiled a list of government and global resources to help you learn more about Austria, its employment and visas regulations, people, foreign direct investment organization, and aspects of doing business in the country. Use this information to help you make informed decisions about locating your business, or a division of your business, in Austria.
Government Resources
The Federal Chancellery of Austria - The official web portal of the Austrian government
Statistics Austria - Official site for Austria's national statistics
Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
ABA - Invest In Austria - They offer long-term consulting, support and service, and are at your disposal as a service center to assist you with respect to further investments and development steps.
Foreign citizens may establish a business in Austria, act as managing directors or purchase companies. Here you find basic information that will be important for you as an investor when establishing a business.
Invest in EU - Invest in EU is the essential resource for modern investors seeking to learn more about Europe’s unique investment opportunities. Through the Invest in EU magazine, portal and weekly newsletter, we aim to market and analyse investment destinations, various industry sectors & investment opportunities in Europe(EU).
Trade Helpdesk - The European Commission's Export Helpdesk provides a free online service covering all import rules in force in the EU on a product-by-product and country-by-county basis.
Additional Information On Austria
KNOWLEDGE BASE Austria Resources: Employment, Visas, FDI, Statistics, Global Rankings