KNOWLEDGE BASE France Facts, Figures, And Global Rankings
We have compiled a list of government and global resources to help you learn more about France, its employment and visas regulations, people, foreign direct investment organization, and aspects of doing business in the country. Use this information to help you make informed decisions about locating your business, or a division of your business, in France.
Government Resources
Gouvernement - The official web portal of the French government
National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) - INSEE collects, produces, analyses and disseminates statistical information on the economy, society, and territories of France.
Business France - (In French) Business France is the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy. Its three key responsibilities are to:
Support French or foreign companies with their international development
Facilitate job-creating foreign investment in France
Promote France's attractiveness to business
InvestEU - InvestEU is the essential resource for modern investors seeking to learn more about Europe’s unique investment opportunities. This organization aims to market and analyse investment destinations, various industry sectors & investment opportunities in the European Union.
Access2Markets Trade Helpdesk - The European Commission's Export Helpdesk provides a free online service covering all import rules in force in the EU on a product-by-product and country-by-county basis.
Additional Information On France:
KNOWLEDGE BASE France Facts, Figures, And Global Rankings