KNOWLEDGE BASE Mobile - Internet Usage In Singapore
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Mobile and Internet Usage in Singapore
Not only do Singaporeans use digital technology at some of the highest rates of any country, Singapore is considered the most networked-ready country in the world. Provided you have the right product or service and communication strategy, you will have no problem in finding users with devices and connectivity.
Singapore Ranked #1 in Networked Readiness
First, let’s look at Singapore’s utilization of Information and Communication Technologies, or ICTs.
The World Economic Forum’s Global Information Technology Report 2016 features the latest iteration of the Networked Readiness Index (NRI), which assesses the factors, policies and institutions that enable a country to fully leverage information and communication technologies (ICTs) for increased competitiveness and well-being. The Networked Readiness Index reveals the correlation between a country’s level of ICT uptake and the economic and social impacts ICTs have on its economy and society.
In the most recent report, Singapore was ranked #1 out of 139 countries for networked readiness.
For companies considering Singapore as a place to do business or base their operations, this ranking means that Singapore is well-positioned to leverage information and communications technologies in the growth of its economy and the well-being of its people. The residents and government are savvy users and supporters, which means good things for companies that rely on ICTs to succeed.
Singapore and the online world
Singapore is a highly connected country and any company doing business there will want a sophisticated online presence. We have some good information to get you started in understanding Singapore and its mobile and internet usage. We could slice the information vertically (for instance, what devices people have and what social media platforms they visit) or horizontally (what they do with their devices and how they access their social media accounts). We've started here with a more vertical approach, but you'll see that there is naturally some crossover. And, we also provide you with some excellent resources to dig deeper in the ways that are most relevant for your business.
We'll start by looking at Connected Devices, move on to the Internet, Social Media, and finally, Mobile.
Singapore and connected devices
23% of Singaporeans have 5 or more devices (Singapore came in at 23%, whereas the US was at 20% in the same study) . Smartphones, computers, and TVs are ubiquitous, and even tablets are owned by more than 40% of the population (the US registered at 35% for tablets).
Internet usage in Sinagpore
Singaporeans use the Internet, most of them every day. It's a natural and fun medium and they access it with their computers and mobile devices. In other words, it's a standard part of their lives and they use it as the resource that it is. This is no surprise, as Singapore is a very sophisticated and advanced country.
Social media in Singapore
Nine out of ten Singaporeans have social media accounts, and they spend 10% of their day accessing those accounts. Singapore has the highest social media penetration rate in Asia, with WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram being their top preferred platforms.
Mobile usage in Singapore
Singaporeans love their smartphones. By any measure, it’s safe to say that Singapore has embraced smartphones and its people are using them in a myriad of ways.
Singapore has the highest smartphone adoption rate in the world, with on average 3.3 connected devices per user
Smartphones are used across all age groups in Singapore, with 99% of those 34 and under, and even 62% who are 55+
37% of Singaporeans use their smartphone more often than other means to get online
46% of Singaporeans use their smartphone equally with their computer/tablet
60% of Singaporeans use their smartphones for product information
There is really no question but that Singapore is digitally ready from both a networked and consumer perspective. Singaporeans are online and their internet and mobile usage is among the highest. You’ll have access to that digital readiness, and should plan your strategy around that advantage. It’s clear that a savvy online presence is key to your success and there are great resources to help you understand your market, some of which are available for free online and others through a subscription.
World Economic Forum Global Information Technology Report 2016 Singapore Report
World Economic Forum Global Information Technology Report 2016 Full Report
Statcounter GlobalStats to filter on a number of factors such as type of platform, browser, and operating system
Internet Live Stats shows users by country
KNOWLEDGE BASE Mobile - Internet Usage In Singapore