KNOWLEDGE BASE Demographics In Singapore
The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure the verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.
Singapore Demographics Overview
Singapore provides an educated, worldly population in a country that supports economic growth and development. When you are considering entering the Singapore market, it’s important to study Singapore's various demographic segments as part of your process in order to determine how your product or service may be a good fit, and how many people are in your target market(s). When combined with a deeper look at the values and lifestyles of its population, Singapore demographics give you a sense for who you’ll be marketing to.
There are many ways to segment - or divide up - the Singapore market. We’ve provided you with a number of ways to look at the population in order to better understand who lives in the country and who is a likely candidate to spend money on your product or service. After all, it’s unlikely the entire population will be your customer - but good for you if that’s the case! When combined with the values and customs you can learn about in the Business Culture and Mobile-Internet Usage sections, you will make more informed decisions about taking your business to Singapore.
Singapore makes available a number of key indicators that can be used to help you understand its country. In Singapore in Figures 2023 you’ll find a summary of information including social and economic indicators, along with comparisons to other countries. At a top level, it helps you begin to understand Singapore through a series of easy-to-read statistics.
And depending on the information you seek, you can find extensive information published by the Singapore government on Singapore's economy and population, latest data for key economic indicators, vital statistics on the population, infographics, interactive dashboards and videographics.
Singapore Department of Statistics economy and population reports
Singapore Department of Statistics infographics, interactive dashboards, and videographics
Latest Population and Population Structure Data from the Department of Statistics Singapore
The United States publishes the US Government World Factbook
The World Bank has a wealth of information on Singapore and other countries
You can also visit these other Globig resources to learn more about the people of Singapore:
Population, Ethnicity, and Language in Singapore
Holidays and Festivals in Singapore
Education in Singapore
Demographics for Women in Singapore
Demographics on Aging in Singapore
KNOWLEDGE BASE Demographics In Singapore