KNOWLEDGE BASE Building Your Workforce In Singapore
If you are expanding into a new country, you are now faced with how you will staff your operation. You may be able to do it from your home country, but chances are you are going to need people on the ground. This is an area where you will want to obtain assistance from someone familiar with local laws and regulations to ensure that you completely understand your options and are in compliance with HR laws and regulations.
Know Employment Law In Singapore, Hiring Options In Singapore, Recruiting Employees In Singapore, and Employee Expectations In Singapore as you build your workforce
Learn more about your options for building your workforce in these related Globig Knowledge Base sections.
Recruiting Employees In Singapore
Employee Expectations In Singapore
Use these related resources if you would like to learn more on your own.
Singapore Employment Act
Ministry of Manpower: Guide on employment laws for employers
Employment of Part-Time Employees Regulations
Ministry of Manpower: Employment of Foreign Manpower Act Guide
Ministry of Manpower: Guide to written key employment terms (KETs) and itemized payslips
Ministry of Manpower: Employment Act assistance packages for employers
Central Provident Fund Board: Contributions
Ministry of Manpower’s passes and permits site
Video: A Guide to Singapore’s Work Passes
Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA)
Fair Consideration Framework full requirements
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
Ministry of Manpower labor market key indicators
Lean Enterprise Development (LED) Scheme
Employment Act assistance package for employers
Central Provident Fund for employers
Are you ready to explore what service providers are available to help you on the ground in Singapore?
The Globig Marketplace contains vetted, quality service providers who can help you. Review your options, learn more about them, and even send them an RFI.
Do you have additional questions or want some help?
Globig is here for you. Send us a message and we'll get back to you right away to assist you in your global expansion.
KNOWLEDGE BASE Building Your Workforce In Singapore