Digital Mktg Academy
DMA - The Definitive Guide to Social Media & Digital Marketing for your Brand or Business | Training Workshops Seminars | Strategists Specialists Consultants |
Archie Co.
Archie is a digital employee that takes care of your social media growth.
Walter Lim
Leading marketer, communicator and social media advocate, with a thirst for experimentation and challenging of the status quo.
Jailani Mahmood
A Microsoft Certified Trainer in Office Skills and Social Media Trainer with passion in Mountain Climbing and Cycling ..
Ingrid Mak
SMU graduate. BNU postgrad. Facebooker. Social Media and Entertainment addict. (chi/canto/eng tweets)
Farah Sidek
Account Ninja (Travel Industry) at Google. I tweet about digital marketing, social media, tech, photography, and life's quirks.
Delson Moo
I'm a Computer and System Consultant, System Integrator and Entrepreneur with few businesses.Loves social media and making money online.
Sufi Rafa'ee
Social Media & Social Selling Advocate. Social Story-Teller and Social Listener at Digimind. Putting the SOCIAL into SOCIAL MEDIA...
System for Improving Profits Without Increasing Marketing Budgets | Certificate in Social Media Marketing | NPQ Business Portal | NPQ Optimization Projects
Techsailor Group
Online customer engagement solutions to help businesses acquire and retain clients through customer communities and social media marketing.
Shiro Ang
Photographer & Social Media Marketing @ Shiro Ang Photography
Julian Hezekiah Wong
Social Singer, Professional Blogger and Forex Trading Enthusiast. Visit my blog link below, and find out how I make money by blogging. I love Social Media!
Head of Marketing & Communications - Adecco Asia, Brands, Digital, Recruitment, Singapore, Social Media, Cyclist, Dad. Generally on a plane
Tom Voirol
I work for Reading Room on user experience, online strategy and social media. Have an MBA. Love @soniavoirol, Cuban music, scuba diving and being a dad.
Foo Tun Chuan
E-Marketing Specialist, Social Media Enthusiast, Hardcore Geek, Gamer Extraordinaire, Blogger, Moviemaniac & Bookworm