lady iron chef
LadyironChef is the food, travel and lifestyle blog of a Brad Lau, a passionate foodie followed by a large community on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Featuring reviews and opinions, the blog also hosts a directory of restaurants and shops in Singapore listed by their specialties: desserts, birthday party places, pizzas, Korean barbeque buffets…http://www.ladyironchef.com/
Lester Chan
Technology/Gadget Blogger, The Tech Guy in @techinasia, ex-@migmeHQ Senior Web Engineer, @WordPress Plugins Developer. Loves Gadgets, Movies, Music, Foodhttps://lesterchan.net
Abraham Rajadurai
Football fanatic. News junkie. Peter Pan. Writer. Journalist. Alive.http://wefollow.com/aberaja
Philip Wong
I'm a writer, tech journalist and home A/V reviewer for CNET Asia.http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/home_av/
Joyce Hooi
Journalist in Singapore. Features, humour columns and general trouble-making.
bridget b
Freelance writer & journalist. Cat lady, coffee addict and bad at Twitter.http://bridgb.wordpress.com
Anand Krishnamoorthy
Journalist. Team Leader, Asia Industries team, Bloomberg Newshttp://www.anandkmoorthy.com/
Aude Giraud
Lifestyle & Travel. Eurasian journalisthttp://askafrench.tumblr.com
Nick Macfie
Reuters journalist with third Hong Kong novel, 'A Million People, Hadley', due out in October. Views expressed are my own.http://thehadleyreport.wordpress.com/
Lynn Lee
Associate Director (Public Affairs) for the Institute of Policy Studies, NUS. Former journalist, with a stint in PR. Views expressed here are my own.http://sg.linkedin.com/in/lynncllee
Calum Stuart
Welsh-Scottish freelance journalist & video guy.http://calumstuart.com
Travers Tan
Sporty Nerd, Nerdy Sportsman, Comic & Movie Buff, Recreational Poker Player, Sports Journalist Extraordinaire
justin harper
Justin Harper is a freelance journalist and editor who spent a decade at the Daily Mail and The Telegraph. He now writes about lifestyle/business/expatshttp://www.justinharpermedia.com