KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment in South Africa
Employment Related Resources
South African Department of Labour
The South African Department of Labour Resource Center provides helpful employment-related information including legislation, codes of good practice, how-to guidelines, forms, publications, and more.
International Labour Organization – This United Nations agency is a database of national labour, social security, and related human rights legislation
World Economic Forum Human Capital Report – South Africa – The Human Capital Report seeks to provide a holistic assessment of a country’s human capital—both current and expected—across its population. In this report, ‘human capital’ is defined as the skills and knowledge people possess that enables them to create value in the global economic system. Comparisons can be made across income groups, generations, and regions.
South African Payroll Association - The South African Payroll Association represents the payroll profession with legislative bodies in South Africa. The Association is managed by an Executive Committee, comprising industry specialists and representatives, and is affiliated with other professional associations world-wide, who share this common goal.
Department of Home Affairs - Immigration- The Department’s core Immigration services duties include administering admissions into the country, determining the residency status of foreigners and issuing permits thereof, custodianship of refugee affairs & inspectorate duties.
KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment in South Africa