KNOWLEDGE BASE Mexico Facts, Figures, And Global Rankings
We have compiled a list of government and global resources to help you learn more about Mexico, its employment and visas regulations, people, foreign direct investment organization, and aspects of doing business in the country. Use this information to help you make informed decisions about locating your business, or a division of your business, in Mexico.
Government Resources
Gobierno - The official web portal of the Mexican government
National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) - Official site for Mexico's national statistics.
Invest In Mexico - ProMexico is the country’s federal entity charged with promoting Mexican exports around the world and attracting foreign direct investment to Mexico. Through ProMexico, federal and state government efforts, as well as related private sector activities, are coordinated with the goal of harmonizing programs, strategies, and resources while supporting the globalization of Mexico's economy. ProMexico maintains an extensive network of offices abroad as well as this multi-lingual website which provides local information on establishing a corporation, rules of origin, labor issues, owning real estate, the operation of bonded assembly plants, and sectorial promotion plans.
The Secretariat of the Economy also maintains a website offering an array of information, forms, links, and transactions. Among other options, interested parties can download import/export permit applications, make online tax payments, and chat with online advisors who can answer specific investment and trade-related questions. State governments have also passed small business facilitation measures to make it easier to open businesses.
Additional Information On Mexico
KNOWLEDGE BASE Mexico Facts, Figures, And Global Rankings