KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment in China

The information on this page was current at the time it was published. Regulations, trends, statistics, and other information are constantly changing. While we strive to update our Knowledge Base, we strongly suggest you use these pages as a general guide and be sure the verify any regulations, statistics, guidelines, or other information that are important to your efforts.


Employment Related Resources

Chinese Government information regarding employment -  Doing Business in China

International Labour Organization  – This United Nations agency is a database of national labour, social security, and related human rights legislation

World Economic Forum Human Capital Report – China  – The Human Capital Report seeks to provide a holistic assessment of a country’s human capital—both current and expected—across its population. In this report, ‘human capital’ is defined as the skills and knowledge people possess that enables them to create value in the global economic system. Comparisons can be made across income groups, generations, and regions.

Work in China

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The People's Republic of China

Shanghai General Station of Immigration Inspection

Pension System - OECD

KNOWLEDGE BASE Employment in China