KNOWLEDGE BASE Data Protection Authority
Federal Data Protection and Information Commission
Mr. Adrian Lobsiger
Feldeggweg 1
CH - 3003 Berne
Phone: +41 (0)58 462 43 95
Fax: +41 (0)58 465 99 96
Email: info@edoeb.admin.ch
Website: www.edoeb.admin.ch/
Law Information:
Federal Act of 19 June 1992 on Data Protection
Canton de Neuchâtel
The Data Protection and Transparency Officer
Mr. Christian Flueckiger
Ms. Valérie Gigon
Rue du Esserts 2
2345 Les Breuleux
Phone: +41 32 420 90 91
Fax: 032 722 03 46
Website: www.ppdt-june.ch
Cantone Ticino
Data Protection Authority
Mr. Michele Albertini
Data Protection Officer
Mr. Fiorenzo Conti Rossini
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Villa Pedotti
Via Canonico Ghiringhelli 1
6501 Bellinzona
Phone: +41 91 814 45 02
Fax: +41 91 814 44 15
Email: protezionedati@ti.ch
Website: Data Protection
Kanton Basel-Landschaft
Data Protection Office
Ms. Ursula Stucki
Data Protection Officer
Mr. Tobias Schnelli
Deputy Data Protection Officer
Rathausstrasse 45
4410 Liestal
Phone: + 41 61 552 64 30
Fax: + 41 61 552 64 31
Email: datenschutz@bl.ch
Website: www.baselland.ch/
Kanton Berne
Data Protection Supervisory Authority
Mr. Christoph Neuhaus
State Counselor
Münstergasse 2
3011 Bern
Phone: 031 633 76 76
Fax: 031 633 76 25
Email: info.jgk@jgk.be.ch
Website: www.jgk.be.ch/
Kanton Luzern
Data Protection Authority
Mr. Reto Fanger
Data Protection Officer
Mr. Wolfgang Sidler
Murbacherstrasse 21
CH-6002 Luzern
Phone: 041 228 66 06
Fax: 041 228 65 09
Email: datenschutz@lu.ch
Website: www.datenschutz.lu.ch/
Kanton Wallis
Data Protection Authority
Ms. Ursula Sury
Data Protection Officer
Place de la Planta 3
1950 Sion
Phone: 027 60 62750
Fax: 027 60 62754
Email: ursula.sury@admin.vs.ch
Website: www.vs.ch
Kanton Zug
Data Protection Authority
Claudia Mund
Data Protection Officer
Postfach 156
6301 Zug
Phone: +41 [0] 41 728 31 87 or
+41 [0] 41 728 31 47
Website: www.datenschutz-zug.ch/
Data Protection Agency
Ms. Judith Petermann Buttler
Information and Data Protection Commissioner
Ms. Andrea Klüser
Deputy Information and Privacy Officer
Baselstrasse 40,
4509, Solothurn
Phone: 032 627 23 91
Fax: 032 627 23 00
Email: judith.petermann@sk.so.ch
Website: www.so.ch/
Stadt Basel
Data Protection Office
Mr. Rudin Beat
Data Protection Officer
Henric Petri-Strasse 15,
Postfach 205
4010 Basel
Phone: +41 61 201 16 40
Fax: +41 61 201 16 41
Email: datenschutz@dsb.bs.ch or
Website: www.dsb.bs.ch/
Stadt Bern
Data Protection Authority
Mr. Mario FluÌckiger
Data Protection Commissioner
Ms. Iris Frey
Junkerngasse 56
Postfach 537
3000 Bern 8<
Phone: 031 312 09 09
Fax: 031 312 09 70
Email: ombudsstelle@bern.ch
Website: www.bern.ch/
Stadt Gallen
Data Protection Authority
Ms. Corinne Suter Hellstern
Data Protection Officer
Ms. Yasemin Sahin Schaub
Deputy Data Protection Supervisor
Ombudsstelle, Junkerngasse 56,
Postfach 537
3000 Berne 8
Phone: +41 (0)58 229 32 62 or
+41 (0)58 229 39 55
Website: www.datenschutz.sg.ch
Stadt Zürich
Data Protection Authority
Mr. Marcel Studer
Data Protection Officer
Ms. Patrizia Zbinden
Beckenhofstrasse 59
8006 Zürich
Phone: +41 44 412 16 00
Fax: +41 44 412 16 10
Website: www.stadt-zuerich.ch/
Zurich Canton
Data Protection Authority
Mr. Bruno Baeriswyl
Data Protection Officer
Postfach, CH-8090
Phone: 043 259 39 99
Fax: 043 259 51 38
Email: datenschutz@dsb.zh.ch
Website: www.datenschutz.ch/
KNOWLEDGE BASE Data Protection Authority