Andrew Pollard
Education professor. Author 'Reflective Teaching'. All views my own!
David Phillips
Professor of Online Public Relations ECRC
Jane Green
Professor of Political Science, University of Manchester. Leadership team member of the 2015 British Election Study.
Duane Mellor
Assistant Professor in Dietetics @UoN_Nutrition with a PhD in Chocolate! Vegetarian but don't force beliefs on others. All views are my own. Warning occ humour
Andy Beaumont
Co-founder of @hactaris and Professor of Misanthropology at STFU. Sportmanteau World Champion 2004. Erectus non elatus.
Football Economy
Accessible and informative insight into the business of football (soccer) written by Professor Wyn Grant
Shaun Pattinson
Professor of Medical Law and Ethics @DurhamLawSchool. My Tweets are personal opinions.
Stuart Bearhop
Professor of Animal Ecology at the University of Exeter's Centre for Ecology & Conservation. Engaging with the real world at last....
Susan Michie
Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Centre for Behaviour Change @UCLBehaveChange, University College London, UK. Opinions my own...
Tobias Preis
Associate Professor of Behavioural Science & Finance, predicting real world behaviour with online data. Co-directs @thedatascilab - Web:
Stephen Hodder
Chairman of award-winning architectural practice Hodder + Partners. Visiting Professor at Belfast School of Architecture. RIBA President.
Frank Birkin
Author, Professor, Advocate of an Emerging New World
Gavin Giovannoni
Professor of Neurology, Barts and The London. I spend a lot of time thinking about multiple sclerosis. It is my ambition to prevent this disease.
Rachel Brooks
Professor of Sociology, Head of @SurreySociology, Co-editor of @SocResOnline
George Lazarashvili
Family man, Professor and Medical Director of Hyde Park Medical Group. I have a lovely wife that has always supported me and two children, George and Nino.