Professor Mike Weed
Professor of Applied Policy Sciences | Head of Human & Life Sciences | Director, Centre for Sport PE & Activity Research (SPEAR) | Editor, Journal Sport&Tourism CanterburyChristChurchUniv, UKhttp://ProfMikeWeed.wordpress.com
Fawaz Gerges
Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics.http://fgerges.net/
sue sanders
Professor Emeritus Harvey Milk Institute CHAIR SCHOOLS OUT UK LGBT HISTORY MONTH & CLASSROOM, safety & visibility of the diverse LGBT community Radical Feministhttp://WWW.LGBTHISTORYMONTH.org.uk
Ramazan Gözen
Professor of International Relations at Marmara University, ?stanbul /// PhD and MA from University of Reading, UK /// BA from Mülkiye, Ankara.
Neil Morris
Professor of Educational Technology and Director of Digital Learning, University of Leeds. HEA National Teaching Fellow. Views are my own.http://www.education.leeds.ac.uk/people/academic/morris
Amy Brown
Associate Professor at Swansea University; MSc Child Public Health; Researcher of breastfeeding, weaning, obesity and all things baby; Coffee addict; Mac lover
A Tzanakopoulos
Associate Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford. RTs do not reflect my opinions. They reflect opinions I share. Go figure.http://www.law.ox.ac.uk/profile/antonios.tzanakopoulos
Gianluca Stringhini
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at UCL. Tweeting about computer security, researching ways to protect you from the bad guyshttp://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/G.Stringhini/
Richard Millwood
Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin, Director of Core Education UK, shaping a new learning landscape... and Chair of Brentwood and Ongar Labourhttp://blog.richardmillwood.net
The Professor is Vice Chancellor of the Social Media Experts campus! Visit the website, sign up and follow @SM_Experts for updates.http://www.smexperts.co.uk
Professor Joan Duda
Researcher, sport/dance/performance psychology consultant, Developer of Empowering CoachingTM programme, Director of the European 'PAPA' Projecthttp://birmingham.academia.edu/JoanDuda
Max L. Wilson
Asst. Professor at University of Nottingham (UK) in HCI & Information Seeking. #HCIR. Last seen @ Planet Organic.http://cs.nott.ac.uk/~mlw
Gavin Phillipson
Law Professor, Durham University (all opinions own): free speech, press regulation, privacy, hate speech, Human Rights Act, UK constitution; counter-terror lawhttp://www.dur.ac.uk/law/staff/?id=5039
J.P.E. Harper-Scott
Dialectical materialist, feminist, Left musicologist, Professor of Music History and Theory at RHUL. Loveliness and cleverness: those are my things.http://www.jpehs.co.uk/