John Flood
McCann FitzGerald Professor of International Law and Business @ UCD, Socio-legal academic, ethnographer, legal profession scholar, globalizer, Floodroid
Nigel Dunnett
Professor in Planting Design. Planting design as an art form: ecologically-tuned, aesthetically aware; creating healthy cities and liveable places.
Craig Sale
Professor of Human Physiology, Musculoskeletal Physiology Research Group, SHAPE Research Cenre. Views are my own and not those of Nottingham Trent University!
Monique Valcour
Executive coach, management professor, keynote speaker, @HarvardBiz contributor. I help people & organizations craft sustainable careers.
Laura McAllister
Professor of Governance, Liverpool University; Devolution specialist; Chair of Sport Wales; ex-Wales international footballer; UK Sport Board (tweets own views)
David Barton
Retired Professor of Nursing, Being a Nurse my proudest achievement, preparing the next generation of nurses my greatest responsibility & enduring passion.
Brian Groves
Co-active coach, Trainer, Chartered Marketer, Adjunct professor, Author of 6 books uniting #coaching, #performance and #work.
Richard Betts
Professor of Climate Impacts, University of Exeter & Met Office Hadley Centre. IPCC Lead Author. Directs HELIX project . Personal views.
Michael Müller
Professor University of East Anglia (Nutrigenomics & Systems Nutrition) & Director of the Norwich Research Park 'Food & Health Alliance'
Rex Richardson
Trumpet Soloist, Yamaha Performing Artist, Professor of Trumpet & Jazz @ VCU, Richmond VA; formerly International Tutor in Trumpet @ RNCM, Manchester UK
Dr Michael C Scott
Author, Broadcaster, Associate Professor in Classics and Ancient History at University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Chris Ashford
Professor of Law and Society @NorthumbriaUni Research: Law & Sexuality + Legal Ed. Chair @alt_law, Editor of The Law Teacher, Editor IJGSL. All views my own.
Miqdad Al-Nuaimi
Emeritus Professor, City Councillor. Sports, football, bowling, humor, politics and opera. (Tweeting in a personal capacity)!/mndsc06
Aaron Thomas
a.k.a Professor Pro. Part of @VwS_Gaming, Smash player, born and raised in the UK. The destruction begins.
Prof Patrick McGhee
Patrick McGhee | Professor | Author | Occasional Guardian and BBC columnist |#Universities | #Learning | #Fabians | #Scotland | #Ireland | #NHS | Own Views