Connect Tech Bloggers

Frank G. Busch

CRM // Customer Experience // tech blogger at @neuerdings und @avguidech

Georg Piefke

Systemadministrator, Tech Blogger, Android Fan und Gamer


Systems Engineer Networking/Security/Enterprise Mobility, Blogger, Geek, Surfer, Sailor, loving Music, using & dealing with tech stuff

Mona Wehbe

Content Marketer | AR | Social & Digital Media Enthusiast | Blogger | Speaker | Tech Nerd | Works @KellyOCG | Lover of photography, travel, & adventure sports.

Florian Schumacher

Digital Health Consultant, Wearable Tech Expert, Founder of Quantified Self Germany. Speaker, Writer and Blogger. #Data #Wearables #QS #Awareness

Jon Worth

Idealistic European with a British passport. Member of the Grüne in Germany. Campaigner, consultant, blogger. Writes about EU, DE, UK and tech. Train traveller.

Bianca Schmidt

Random thoughts about feminism, queer stuff, social media, tech gadgets and more – Blogger at - Any opinions are my own

Joe Ekine

Tech & horsepower blogger @


Founder & Editor @AppsNCoffeeDE, blogger, web/app developer, Frontend dreamer, mobile first, tech nerd, @getkirby-lover, #Effzeh aficionado.

Bertram Ganz

employee @ SAP | SCN blogger | product marketer | knowledge broker | tech writer | bass-baritone singer | [All views are my own!]


amateur photographer, tech nerd, lazy blogger, marketing employed, social media enthusiast, gamer, optimist, internet addict and I drink too much coffee!

Anaïs Bourg

Student Community Manager @career_foundry, member @Slowfood_de, blogger #food & #sustainability / #tech #onlineeducation , ex coms student @sciencespo

Felix フェリックス

17 | Youtuber | Blogger | Gaming | Tech and fashion are my passion. |

Hannah Roericht

Fashion, tech and gossip addict. PR consultant @hotwirePR_DE. Blogger. Tweeting for @hwfashiontech and absolutely loving it.

Chris Zirkel

Tech Enthusiast. Windows Phone Developer. Blogger. Student. Check out @Pinboard_app and @getnapapp

Connect Tech Bloggers