KNOWLEDGE BASE Demographics For Women In Germany

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The Status of Women in Germany


The gender gap in Germany

The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report for 2023 ranks Germany 10th out of 144 countries for gender equality. The report evaluated gender gaps in four main areas: 'economic participation and opportunity (0.745)', 'educational attainment (0.964)', 'health and survival (0.985)', and 'political empowerment (0.528)'. A score of parity between men and women is represented by 1.00.  Germany scored 81.5.

Women and education

German women enter the sciences in tertiary education more than in other OECD countries and earned 46% of the degrees in 2021. They continue to excel in specific areas like math and statistics, where they consistently outpace men in degree attainment. The proportion of science degrees earned by women grew by 15% between 2005 and 2021. This impressive growth places Germany among a select group of countries, including the Czech Republic, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, and Switzerland, showcasing their shared commitment to empowering women in STEM.

Though they have educational parity, women with similar levels of education are earning less than men. And while they may have a greater share who are working part-time, other indicators suggest that they are not being paid equally for equal work. The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Index 2023 reports that there is still a gap in wage equality for similar work.


What do the people think? 

The Global Gender Index shows where women have parity with men, and where there is room for improvement.  How do these results align with how German’s perceive the role of women?

A 2022 survey by Statista found that 83% of Germans believe achieving gender equality is important. However, disparities exist. For example, 41% of Germans agree that "a man's job is to earn money, a woman's job is to take care of the home and family." Younger Germans tend to hold more progressive views on gender roles compared to older generations.

German society is undergoing a transformation regarding gender roles. While progress is evident, a disconnect between official statistics and individual perceptions reveals the complexity of achieving true equality. Ongoing efforts to address traditional mindsets, empower women in all spheres, and foster a culture of respect and inclusivity will be key in bridging this gap and creating a society where women and men can thrive on equal footing.




World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2023

Statista Survey

KNOWLEDGE BASE Demographics For Women In Germany